Color Era
New Era
New Era Exclusives are in LIMITED QUANTITIES.
VIP discount will be given as store credits after item has been delivered and tagged as complete.
Customer is only allowed to purchase one (1) pc per style of the collection, per NewEraCap.ph account. Order must be paid in FULL amount.
Customer only has 15 minutes to hold the item in the cart and complete the payment transaction; once the 15-minute limit has passed, the item will automatically be released from the cart.
Gift Certificates and VIP credits are not accepted as payments for New Era Exclusives.
Customer may opt to avail of the SAME DAY DELIVERY SERVICE for Metro Manila orders, just send us an email with the subject: SAME DAY DELIVERY SERVICE. Terms & conditions will apply.
As a Limited Release, we do not allow the Return and Exchange of this collection due to limited quantities. Kindly make sure to order your correct size by referring to our fit guide.
A few others in this collection